Secretary Services
Your time is best spent providing services that make you money. We will answer your phone calls and schedule your appointments, leaving you free from managing the back office functions that take you away from doing what you do best.
Dispatch Field Technicians
With many years of experience, we can answer your phone calls, get the customers' needs and dispatch your technician appropriately. Our office will handle all your needs for customer care, ordering parts and manage scheduling to minimize time on the road. We can integrate with your management software, verify accuracy of technicians' reports, follow up with clients and much more.
Cost effective
We will save you costs on office expenses by eliminating the need for office space, hiring and paying employees (including CPP, employment insurance and other payroll taxes).
We will serve all your needs and make sure your customers will get the best service out there.
Next Steps...
Take action now! Give us a call today to see how we can help your business grow!